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DIN EN 10142-2000 冷成型用连续热浸镀锌低碳钢薄板和带材 交货技术条件

瀏覽量 6198

This British Standard is the official Fnglish language version of EN 10142:2000. It

supersedes BS EN 10142: 1991 which is withdrawn.

The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committe

ISE/10, Flat rolled steel products, to Subcommittee ISE/10/8, Coated steel flat rolled

products, which has the responsibility to:

一- aid enquirers to understand the text;

- - present to the responsible European comumittee any enquiries on the

interpretation, or prposals for change, and keep the uK interests informed;

monitor related intemational and European developments and prormulgate

them in the UK.

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